Tag - free business advice

QuickBooks: Setting Up Vendors and Customers & Creating Invoices

At times businesses need to analyze their results (income and expenses) by looking at the vendor or customer level. For this to occur, the information housed in QuickBooks needs to be available at this level. (Duration 1 hour)


Be Visible, Credible, and Unforgettable Through Storytelling

People LOVE stories. What does your potential client wake up in the middle of the night worried about? Share a story that SOLVES THOSE PROBLEMS, and you are on your way to creating a trusted relationship with that new prospect! (Duration 1 hour)


I’m Afraid AI Can’t Do That.’ Legal Implications Of Artificial Intelligence

What is the implication of AI generated material? What is your liability for the actions of an AI you unleash on the world? Examining these types of questions (and the answers if they have any) is the subject of this presentation. (Duration 1hr)


Missouri Entrepreneurs Can Access No-Cost Business Coaching across the State

Connect with a consultant at a Missouri Small Business Development Center for help with applying for loans, finances and more.