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Powering new and growing businesses in rural Missouri
Free, friendly and fast, your Personal Action Plan is your customized checklist to the things you need to do and the people you need to meet to move your Missouri business forward.
Yep, this one is all about you. Because starting and growing a business in Missouri is certainly exhilarating, but we know that sometimes finding the right help (we have 500+ resources in our network) can be overwhelming and frustrating.
So that’s what this is all about: you and your next step toward business success.
Once you complete your Personal Action Plan, keep coming back for more help to grow your business — we will make it easy and check in to make sure you’re on the path to success every step of the way.
You may be asking . . .
What exactly is a Personal Action Plan?
This is your personalized checklist and guide on the next steps you need to take to get where you need to go. Each Personal Action Plan is different because each person’s needs are different.
Whether you need to know how to start a business, where to look for funding or how to hire your first employee, your Personal Action Plan is truly customized to your business needs.
How much does this Personal Action Plan cost?
Nothing. MOSourceLink’s services and connections are free. We are here to help your business grow.
What am I going to get? And when am I going to get it?
Your Personal Action Plan is a hand-curated, hand-crafted, customized list of the next steps on your entrepreneurial journey. You’ll get your plan in 1 business day.
But who exactly are you referring me to?
All of the resources in our network are on-the-ground nonprofits in your community and across Missouri that we vet and talk to on a regular basis. We know them, we know what they do and we know the quality of service they’ll deliver for you. Their help is often low or no cost.
And their mission is to help make business owners better and stronger in Missouri.
It’s all about you. We won’t refer you to any for-profit businesses (not our thing).
Why do you need SO MUCH information?
We want to make sure your Personal Action Plan is exactly what you need. We don’t want you wasting any time talking to an organization that isn’t right for your business.
There’s over 500+ resources across the state of Missouri and we want to find the right one for your business challenge, your location, your industry and your business stage. The more you can tell us, the better and more targeted your Personal Action Plan will be.
What do you do with the information I give you?
We’ll add you to our email list, so we can check in to see how those resources worked for you and so you can stay connected with Missouri entrepreneurship.
We don’t share your email with anyone. Ever. We don’t even tell the folks on the list that we’ve met you. What you do with your Personal Action Plan—and the actions you decide to take—are completely and utterly up to you.
What’s the catch? Why are you so friendly?
There’s no catch! We know small businesses are the engines of Missouri’s economy and we’re doing what we can to continue to support our local business owners.
We aggregate requests made to our hotline and our website to find out what entrepreneurs need and where the gaps are in Missouri’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. (If we can’t refer you to someone, we know we have a gap in services.) We use that data to build programs and services to fill those gaps and better meet Missouri entrepreneurs’ needs.
What’s the end game here?
We constantly hear from businesses that wish they would have met us $20K ago, that didn’t realize there were so many low- and no-cost resources ready to help them, that folded when they could have thrived, that didn’t know the right steps to setting up shop in Missouri, that missed a step, that want to grow, that need investors—that just plain need help. We are here to help those Missouri businesses—whether they’re tech or makers or Main Street or Etsy shops— grow better and faster.
(Oh yeah, and we want to make Missouri the state of innovation between the coasts.)
So I’m still nervous about giving you this info via the web.
No problem. Give us a call and we can create your Personal Action Plan over the phone: 866-870-6500. We have real people who answer the phones Monday through Friday. We’re happy to address any concerns you have. We just want to get you connected to resources to help you along your business journey. Your business is our business.
Why do you do this?
We want you to focus on growing your business (state of innovation between the coasts, y’all). We don’t want you to spend all your time on the Internet trying to find the right resources. So we’ve made that process easier. We truly want to make sure you have all the resources and connections you need to grow your business right here in Missouri.
Once you receive your Personal Action Plan, feel free to give us a call if you have further questions about funding, marketing, business plans, startup assistance, mentors, taxes, legal, hiring, exporting, franchising, etc.
Share this with a business you know that needs a little extra help.