Farm Service Agency

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers loans to help farmers and ranchers get the financing they need to start, expand or maintain a family farm.


The Farm Service Agency offers loans to help farmers and ranchers get the financing they need to start, expand or maintain a family farm.

FSA requires a business plan to be eligible for a loan. Contact MOSourceLink to get connected to resources to help you develop and write a business plan.

What makes FSA loans unique?

Lends when banks won’t: FSA lends only to individuals who are unable to secure credit elsewhere at a reasonable rate (with the exception of Conservation Loans and Farm Storage Facility Loans).

Family Farms Only: Nearly all FSA loans are available only to “family farms.”

Affordability: FSA loan interest rates are generally a fraction of current commercial interest rates. Many FSA programs require NO down payment.

Special Priorities: A portion of the money that FSA loans each year is set aside for farmers of color, indigenous farmers, women farmers, beginning farmers and in some programs, veterans.

Types of loans available: 

Guaranteed loans are made to businesses by a USDA-approved traditional lender, with the backing of FSA. 

Direct loans to a farmer/business directly from FSA. Direct microloans under $50,000 are also available.

Other loans like Conservation Loans and Farm Storage Facility Loans managed under the FSA Farm Programs arm.

Find a local FSA loan officer in your region of Missouri.

Services Provided

Financial Resources and Assistance

  • Loan Providers (Specialty)
  • Obtaining Debt Funding
Contact Information
Jessica Claypole