Arch Reactor

Arch Reactor was founded in 2009 at a local pizza joint by a group of friends who liked technology, programming, making and pizza. Now St Louis’ largest hackerspace, Arch Reactor’s growing membership continues to bring new skills, projects, equipment and people to one place.


Members have keys and 24/7 access to the Arch Reactor space, but anyone is always welcome to visit when it’s open. If you would like to check us out or have a project you would like to bring in to work on, check the calendar for scheduled events. Generally, all events are free and open to the public.* We are open nearly every Tuesday and Sunday night from 7 p.m. until the last member leaves. Watch the website front page, our feed on X (formerly Twitter) @archreactorSTL or our public mailing list!forum/arch-reactor.

* Generally. Occasionally an event will request a donation to help cover costs, or a class may require material fees. Very rarely, there will be a members-only event, but these are few and far between and will be stated clearly on the calendar far in advance.

Lab Area: The Lab Area features a lot of table space for everyone to work on their projects in a low-dust environment. There are also many tools for working on electronics and other clean projects, including a soldering station, vinyl cutter, 3D printers and an 80W laser cutter. There are shelves where members can keep a private tote and an assortment of salvaged and donated parts available for anyone to use. 

We are a 501c3 educational nonprofit organization. Our space is a communal workshop for our members to share tools and work on projects. It is also a place to learn new skills, either in one of our classes or from the many experts who make up our membership. Most importantly, we are a welcoming and creative place for all makers in the St. Louis area.

Come check out the space at one of our regular Tuesday meetings or Sunday hack nights, year-round. Tuesday and Sunday events are always open to the public and generally begin around 7:30 p.m.

Services Provided

Office, Incubator, Accelerator, Laboratory, Kitchen and Meeting Space

  • Maker Space (Specialty)
Contact Information
Kim S
2215 Scott Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63103