Daniel Boone Regional Library
The Daniel Boone Regional Library offers free tools and classes to help you start or expand your business. Discover resources to help you with market research, staff straining, management and more.
Cardholders living in Boone and Callaway counties also gain free access to Legal Forms Library, Lynda.com, Small Business Reference Center, Reference USA and Universal Class. Visit dbrl.org to explore our full listing of services, programs and collections for entrepreneurs.
Stay informed about upcoming events by subscribing to our technology email newsletter at dbrl.org/contact/newsletters.
As a public library, our primary focus is providing services to those living in Boone and Callaway counties. However, anyone is welcome to attend our free classes and programs.
Services Provided
Business Planning
- Market Research
- Demographic/Census Data (Specialty)
Libraries and Research Organizations
- Demographic/Census Data (Specialty)
- Business Research Resources (Specialty)
Office, Incubator, Accelerator, Laboratory, Kitchen and Meeting Space
- Conference/Meeting and Event Space
- Business Management Training
- E-Commerce/Internet Marketing
- Marketing Plan Development and Training
Starting a Business
- Business Research Resources (Specialty)
- Startup Classes
Angela Scott
100 W. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 443-3161
Are you Angela Scott? Update your profile
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