Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV)
The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans model was first created at Syracuse University in 2007 and has since expanded to become the EBV Consortium. Today, prestigious member universities include Texas A&M, UCLA, University of Connecticut, Louisiana State University, Florida State University, Cornell University, St. Joseph’s University and the University of Missouri.
This important program is privately funded and will be offered at no cost to participants. The EBV program represents a 14-month intervention and consists of three phases of training and support.
PHASE 1 begins with a 30-day, online course focused on the basic skills of entrepreneurship and the “language of business.”
PHASE 2 of the program is a 9-day residency at an EBV University, where the veterans are exposed to some of the most accomplished entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship educators from across the U.S. The residency includes more than 80 hours of instruction.
PHASE 3 of the program involves 12 months of support and mentorship delivered through a robust, comprehensive network of mentors and national partnerships.
Services Provided
Business Planning
- Business Plan Consulting, Development and Review
- Forming a Business
- Market Plan Development
- Identification/Research of Foreign Markets
Networking Organizations
- Demographically Based
- Small Business/General
- Bookkeeping/Accounting Software Training
- Business Management Training
- Business Plan Training and Assistance
- Marketing Plan Development and Training
- Startup Classes
- Human Resources Training
Starting a Business
- Home-Based Business Training
- Registration, Licenses and Permits
- Business Research Resources (Specialty)
- Feasibility Studies (Specialty)
- Forming a Business (Specialty)
- Startup Classes (Specialty)
- One-on-One Counseling
- Peer Mentoring
- Formal Mentoring Programs
Greg Bier
1210C MU Student Center
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-9026
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